Regency Era Conjuring
Regency Era Conjuring
Regency Era Conjuring
In the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, the days of Jane Austen, Napoleon, and King George III, conjurers began their quest to perform as real artists and entertainers. These “Professors of Natural Philosophy,” as many conjurers were called, often performed in legitimate theaters, rented taverns, or private parlors and drawing rooms of the elite and nobles of Europe.
In the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, the days of Jane Austen, Napoleon, and King George III, conjurers began their quest to perform as real artists and entertainers. These “Professors of Natural Philosophy,” as many conjurers were called, often performed in legitimate theaters, rented taverns, or private parlors and drawing rooms of the elite and nobles of Europe.
Even in the United States, some of the first conjuring performers were seen in theaters from Boston and New York, to the far south of New Orleans in the early 19th century.
Even in the United States, some of the first conjuring performers were seen in theaters from Boston and New York, to the far south of New Orleans in the early 19th century.
It is this far gone era that Professor DR Schreiber emulates through his Regency Era Conjuring performance. He leads his audience on a journey through the history of the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, a time when the world was on the brink of the industrial revolution.
It is this far gone era that Professor DR Schreiber emulates through his Regency Era Conjuring performance. He leads his audience on a journey through the history of the end of the 18th century and early 19th century, a time when the world was on the brink of the industrial revolution.
Professor DR Schreiber has performed this Regency Era conjuring for literary appreciation groups such as Jane Austen Society members, re-enactment groups, such as those remembering the War of 1812, history enthusiasts, costumer guilds, historical dance clubs, as well as fans of the Regency period.
Professor DR Schreiber has performed this Regency Era conjuring for literary appreciation groups such as Jane Austen Society members, re-enactment groups, such as those remembering the War of 1812, history enthusiasts, costumer guilds, historical dance clubs, as well as fans of the Regency period.
Professor DR Schreiber brings a truly unique form of entertainment, straight out of the history books, to your next gathering.
Professor DR Schreiber brings a truly unique form of entertainment, straight out of the history books, to your next gathering.